Imperial New England IPA, 8.7% ABV


Malt: Pilsner, Chit, Flaked Wheat, Flaked Oats, Malted Wheat 

Hops: HBC 1019, Citra

Yeast: @escarpmentlabs Foggy London

Wuzzy? Yezzy wuz

With this beer, we’ve filled another chair within our growing ghost orchestra! Like all the other white canned wonders with which it floats in space, this NEIPA is downy soft but hits deceivingly hard on the ABV scale. To say the least, this beer is a trip and it begins from the moment you crack the can. Prepare to be greeted by an undeniable smell of fuzzy peach candies - we’re talking about the fresh from the bag, perfectly soft ones that you dreamed of as a kid. 

We achieved this beer’s illogical levels of plush thanks in part to experimental hop 1019, a product of Hop Breeding Company’s mad design. Its yield is a tasty mix of tropical, stone fruit, and peach gummy flavours, a little heavier on the fuzzy peach side when it comes to the aroma. In fact, it was its peachiness that got us keen on the name. Yeah, the logic behind it might be fuzzy, but the resulting ensemble is nothing if not tight. 

If you can’t seem to find the right direction, steer yourself towards the taproom. Getting your hands on this before the moment’s gone is at least one way to keep your heart away from harm. 

Store Cold. Drink Fresh.

Available for purchase at the Establishment Brewing Company taproom, online store, and at select stockists.